24 Dec

Top Book Club Picks of 2022

This holiday season, we bring you this year's top-picks from our Book Club. Catch one everyday at 7 PM (IST), from the 24th to 30th December!
24th December: Peggy Mohan on India's story through its Languages
25th December: Empress: The Astonishing Reign of Nur Jahan with Ruby Lal
26th December: Upinder Singh on Ancient India: Culture Of Contradictions
27th December: Yashaswini Chandra on The Tale of the Horse
28th December: The Last Queen of Punjab with Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
29th December: Aanchal Malhotra on Remnants of a Separation
30th December: Ashoka in Ancient India with Nayanjot Lahiri
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